Why It Is Necessary To Discipline Wally Carlson
- Everyone else doesn’t do it because they don’t wan’t to deal with the antics of the fake gangster
- The stink of his Napoleon complex has reached the throne of God In heaven and he must be checked
- He manipulates the saints for money and squanders it on his own music career
- He teaches men to spill their seed on the floor like a demoniac with the spirit of Onan
- He refuses to allow his wife to drive a car because he is a control freak
- He is uneducated and speaks gibberish in sermons
- He thinks Jesus Christ’s flesh had the nature of a beast
- He false prophecies that the COVID19 vaccine is the mark of the beast and he will not repent like a prideful ego maniac
- He secretly records his followers in their worst moments to use it against them later
- He is not given to hospitality and has never even let his closest disciples in his home
- He calls himself a general when he is really a joke and incapable of contending with anyone who is educated in the word
- He will become more and more prideful and controlling if his ego is not turned into mashed potatoes
- He teaches people not to eat rare meat like a legalistic lunatic
- He imparts his carnal hip hop spirit onto other Christians as they follow him
- He teaches people they are free to divorce their unbelieving spouse if the unbelieving spouse is a burden to their walk
- He keeps christians in a fearful state by shoving the illuminati down their throats on a non-stop basis
- He does not raise up any real disciples, he only uses people to accomplish his ends
- He is the biggest hypocrite to ever breathe air
- His mysteries are a joke, they are nothing but infantile analogies that are based on misinterpreted scripture
- He pretends to be a street minister but he just hides in his home with his wife and kids
- He funnels your money to his wife’s family in Kenya
- He will rebuke people that he views as competition to his goal of achieving YouTube supremacy but he will not rebuke Stephen Darby’s wife because he panders to racist blacks
- He thinks he is demon free because he is a self righteous child of hell
- He only preaches sermons to get money which is why he will discuss donations and financial support before, during and after his sermons
- He is not accountable to anyone and views himself as a general who is above every other Christian on planet earth, yet he pisses himself when challenged
- He is a people pleaser who tries to appeal to both trinitarians and oneness believers by inventing a hybrid doctrine that makes no sense but sidesteps any effort to address either doctrine
- He has used the name of Jesus and the financing of the saints to attempt to catapult himself into a music or film career but he failed
- He is a prideful idiot who speaks gibberish
- He is willing to lie and cheat the system to silence anyone who exposes who he really is
- He is willing to remove content warning you about what he believes to be “the mark of the beast” and allow you to go to eternal damnation in order to keep his youtube fame
- He runs his ministry like the cult of Wally where the people involved begin to take on his catch phrases and carnal mannerisms
- He is a manipulative con artist (watch the videos on this channel for evidence)
- He puts on a fake persona that you are his family on YouTube videos to get your money but him and his wife do not trust you or want you near their home
- He refuses to repent of his wickedness and he refuses to humble himself
- He has a squinty eyed, Popeye the sailor man demon that is an alter ego to make him appear like a hard ass on video
- He was never a real gangster or drug dealer, but he was a dime bagging stoner with an juvenile obsession to be viewed as a back person
- He stole most of his teaching style from Stephen Darby and Gary Price but neither the Darby’s or Gary price have confirmed his ministry
- He has never given his testimony publicly and the parts of it he has given are not in line with how God converts an apostle
- He cannot say the word apostle but he thinks he is one
- He has lied and told his followers he wanted to get a building for local fellowship but he kept the money
- He is arrogant and thinks highly of himself
- He constantly talks about his ministry as if it can be spoken of on the exact same level as Jesus Christ himself
- He constantly refers to himself as if being in his presence or hearing his teachings is the same as seeing or hearing Jesus Christ
- He has sat with his wife and taught false doctrine with her publicly and neither of them repented publicly
- He compels gentiles to live as Jews and honor the holy days of the Jews
- He tells people who give small one time donations that they should not think themselves to be a “sweetheart”
- Because he is our son and we love him